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Welcome to Briefmd

"Prevention is better than cure..."

BriefMD is a Non-Profit Organization based in Massachusetts, USA. Our mission is to bridge the gaps in medical disparities (BriefMD) by promoting effective pro-active programs in both at risk and underserved areas to achieve self sustainability. Our  major task is to take an urgent action including raising public awareness about the pressing issues threatening human survival namely; disease, wars, nature, infrastructure  and economic status.

Join us today in our efforts to make a difference.

About Us

Our Mission

At BriefMD, our primary purpose and goal is to alleviate human suffering through the delivery of preventive services. We are dedicated to bridging the gap in healthcare access and ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities to receive quality medical care. Through our efforts, we aim to create a healthier and more equitable society for all. Join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Our Philosophy


As a preventive non-profit organization, we believe in a strong primary health care (PHC) system that aim at promoting good health and preventing illness. Our primary preventive services are designed to detect and treat health problems early, before they become serious. We offer a variety of preventive health services, including health screenings, immunizations, and disease management. With our expert care, we maintain optimal health and better quality of life among communities facing health disparities.

Primary Prevention


At BriefMD, we recognize the importance of environmental health in achieving equitable healthcare outcomes. We strive to address environmental factors that contribute to disparities, such as pollution and inadequate infrastructure and cutting of trees. By promoting a clean, safe and self sustaining environment that improve and protect the overall health, life and well-being of at risk communities.

Environmental Health


Engaging in peaceful dialogue is essential to resolving conflicts. As a Diplomacy Non-Profit Organization, we specialize in facilitating conversations and negotiations to achieve peace. Our experienced team works closely with parties involved to find common ground and achieve successful outcomes. Join us in our mission to make the world a more peaceful place. The goal is to prevent human suffering as refugees, death tolls and injuries.



Collaboration is at the heart of what we do at BriefMD. We work tirelessly to bring together medical professionals, volunteers, and community organizations to address the medical disparities in underserved communities. By working together, we can make a meaningful impact on the healthcare landscape in these communities.


Our Pro-active Programs 

Checking Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

Join Us in Improving Global Health. Our social services program is focused on improving health equity by addressing the social determinants of health. We offer a variety of services that are tailored to the needs of our community, including affordable housing, job training and placement, and educational programs. Our goal is to create opportunities for individuals and families to improve their overall well-being and live healthier, happier lives.

Improve Primary Health Care (PHC)

At our non-profit organization, we believe everyone deserves access to quality primary healthcare services. That’s why we offer a full range of screenings, vaccinations, and physical exams.

Social services and welfare programs

Social services and welfare assistance encompass a wide range of government programs and community resources designed to support individuals and families in need, improve their quality of life, and ensure social well-being.

Mental health counseling and support

Mental health counseling and support services are essential resources that provide individuals with the assistance, guidance, and coping strategies they need to address mental health challenges and improve their emotional well-being.

Health education and awareness programs

Health education and awareness programs play a vital role in promoting well-being, preventing diseases, and improving healthcare outcomes.

Preventive Screening

Preventive screening services are an essential component of healthcare designed to identify potential health risks or conditions before they become more serious and harder to manage.

Support Our Mission

Your support is crucial to our mission at BriefMD Org. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need. Discover the various ways you can contribute to our cause and help us create a healthier and more equitable society.

Spread the Word

Increase the reach and impact of BriefMD Org by sharing their mission, achievements, and success stories with your social network. Encourage others to get involved and support their cause.


Make a meaningful impact by organizing fundraising events and campaigns on behalf of BriefMD Org. Whether it's a charity run, a bake sale, or an online crowdfunding effort, your fundraising efforts can help raise vital funds for their initiatives.

Raise Awareness

Advocate for BriefMD Org's causes in your community and beyond. Educate others about their important work and the healthcare challenges they address. By raising awareness, you contribute to their mission's success.


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